Pronunciation of the letter “H”
I’ve noticed that “haitch” is becoming more common than “aitch” when it comes to pronouncing “H”. Why is this, and what is the thinking on which pronunciation is preferable (or even correct)? My mind goes back to my 4th year high school Latin teacher who was very fond of rendering what he obviously considered witty quotes about “Arrius and his haspirates“.
American here: I have no earthly idea. To me it sounds more grating than adding an "h" sound to the beginning of words that start with "w" (e.g. pronouncing "whip" as "h-whip").
Zac1 Dec-20-2015
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I've never heard the "H" pronounced with the hard, apirated 'h' sound. But then, I'm from the USA.
charles2 Jan-18-2016
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