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October 11, 2022
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Pronunciation: aunt
- October 11, 2022, 6:59am
Unrelated, what's up with people pronouncing wash like warsh?
Pronunciation: aunt
- October 11, 2022, 6:57am
From the thumb in michigan. I personally have always thought it was werid that it was pronounced like awhnt. I always thought ant sounded proper. Although, English is in my heritage 2-3 gens back on both sides of my parents and my brothers middle daughter randomly pronouns aunt like awnt instead of the rest of us in the family saying it the way I thought was proper. But I will never say it that way because it just sounds way to fancy and royal. I am far from that hahaha.
Pronunciation: aunt
Its very cringe to hear others say it the way you are not familiar or comfortable with. Just know we feel the same.. when I/others hear people say it the ahnt way It irritates me/others just as much as you get irritated with ant.