Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

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24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More

Proofreading Service - Pain in the English
Proofreading Service - Pain in the English

Your Pain Is Our Pleasure

24-Hour Proofreading Service—We proofread your Google Docs or Microsoft Word files. We hate grammatical errors with a passion. Learn More



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I’m Elizabeth, and I love teaching my language and culture to students with Workplace Languages. I’ve been teaching ESL/Spanish for ten years now, and I hold a Master’s in Education from Northcentral University.

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The reason "Canada" and "Canadian" are pronounced differently has to do with their French origins. In French, "Canada" is pronounced with a neutral vowel sound like "uh." When English adopted the word, it kept this sound for "Canada" but changed it slightly for "Canadian" because of how English words often sound with the suffix "-ian." So, the pronunciation difference comes from how the words evolved from French into English over time.

Are there diffferent types of latin?

  • June 26, 2024, 7:27am

Yes, there are different types of Latin that developed over time. Classical Latin was spoken during ancient Roman times, while Ecclesiastical Latin evolved for religious use in the Catholic Church, and Medieval Latin was used in the Middle Ages for learning and administration.

Latin expressions like "ne plus ultra" in English and "nec plus ultra" in French may be written differently due to how they were adapted into each language. These variations happened because languages have different spelling rules and ways of pronouncing words. As Latin phrases were adopted into English and French over history, they were adjusted to fit each language's sounds and grammar, leading to differences in how they are written today. This adaptation process reflects the linguistic evolution that continues to shape languages studied through Higher Language programs.

The sentence "We have to go to the store yet" is not quite correct in standard English. Usually, "yet" is used in negative sentences or questions to mean something hasn't happened or isn't true up to now. For example, "We haven't gone to the store yet" or "Have we gone to the store yet?"

In some informal or regional English, especially in parts of the United States, people might use "yet" in positive sentences to mean "still" or "soon." For instance, "I have to finish my homework yet" means "I still need to finish my homework."

But this way of using "yet" is not considered standard and might not be understood by everyone. It's often better to use "still" or rephrase your sentence to make sure your meaning is clear.


  • June 13, 2024, 6:24am

I understand the confusion between "Persian" and "Farsi" when talking about the language spoken in Iran and nearby areas. "Persian" is a term that's widely used internationally and reflects the language's long history and its ties to Persian culture. It's recognized across different countries where Persian has been spoken for centuries, like Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Languages Similar To Farsi/Persian

"Farsi," on the other hand, is the local name for the Persian language in Iran. While it's correct in Iran, using "Farsi" alone in English discussions might not always show the language's broader historical and geographical context. That's why in English, many prefer to use "Persian" or "Persian (Farsi)" to make it clear that they mean the language spoken in Iran and other places where Persian is used. This helps to include all the cultural aspects and history associated with Persian, beyond just one country

Punctuation can sometimes be a matter of personal preference. In your sentence, "I have two sons, Bill and Ben," the comma is commonly used before listing things. Some people prefer to use a colon instead, like this: "I have two sons: Bill and Ben."

However, using a colon might seem a bit formal for just two items. It's more commonly used for longer lists.

If you're unsure, you could rewrite the sentence to avoid the list format altogether, like this: "I have two sons named Bill and Ben."

In the end, both the comma and the colon are correct, so you can use whichever feels right to you.

Many people think that Asian immigrants who speak English have a hard time being understood by native English speakers because of their accents. However, there may be another reason. Even Europeans with heavy accents seem to communicate more easily with Americans. This could be because European and American cultures are quite similar.

Asian cultures are very different from American culture. When Asians speak English, they may not provide enough cultural context that Americans are familiar with. This makes it hard for Americans to fully understand, even if the English is grammatically correct. The problem is not just about accents, but about lacking shared cultural references that help with comprehension. Even for Indians who speak perfect English, Americans can struggle to understand because the cultural context is so different from their own experiences.

Learn About more English Language


  • May 31, 2024, 6:29am

Navigating language differences can be tricky, especially in the classroom. As a non-native English teacher, you might've noticed students saying "I have a doubt" instead of "I have a question." This switch happens because in some languages, like Spanish or Portuguese, "doubt" is used to mean "question." It's not wrong, just different. But recently, you stumbled upon "if students have doubt" in a teacher's guide, making you question your correction.

Here's the deal: "I have a doubt" isn't commonly used in English, where "doubt" usually means uncertainty, not a question. It's more natural to say "I have a question." However, language changes, and sometimes formal or technical writing might use "doubt" differently. So, while guiding students to say "I have a question" is smart for everyday English, being open to variations helps us adapt to language shifts and diverse communication styles.

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English needs tenses to talk about when things happen, but could it get by without them? Well, technically, yes, but it would be tough. Tenses help us say when stuff is going on or when things happened before. Without them, it would be hard to be clear about timing in our conversations. Imagine trying to tell a story without saying if something already happened or is happening right now. It would get confusing! So while English might manage without tenses, it would definitely make talking a lot trickier!

Tenses are like time markers in English. They help us understand when things happen—whether it's in the past, present, or future. For example, "I eat" tells us about something happening now, while "I ate" tells us it already happened. Some people find tenses tricky to learn, especially if English isn't their first language. But without tenses, it would be hard to talk about different times clearly. It's kind of like using different colors to paint a picture—each one adds detail and helps us see the whole picture better. So, while tenses can be tough to master, they're super helpful for making sure everyone understands each other when we talk or write in English.

Past perfect with until

  • May 20, 2024, 7:05am

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings due to the use of different tenses.

1. "She hadn’t realized that she was addicted to nicotine until she smoked ten cigarettes a day."
This sentence says she didn't know she was addicted until after she smoked ten cigarettes. The not knowing happened first.

2. "She didn’t realize that she was addicted to nicotine until she had smoked ten cigarettes a day."
This sentence says she didn't know she was addicted until after she had already smoked ten cigarettes. The smoking happened first.