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January 9, 2014
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“You have two choices”
- January 9, 2014, 12:43am
As the scholars Page and Plant put it, "you know, sometimes words have two meanings." Choice means both 1) an opportunity to choose and 2) one of the options you can choose between. It's interesting that you can, therefore,simultaneously have one choice and two choices. But it ain't a crime against English.
“You have two choices”
Now there are two choices for thee: either to go up on to the Isle and face all; or to die here by my hand --William Morris
he had been searching his brain for some clue that would tell him which of the two choices he should believe in – Jack London
Between these two choices Lord Randolph seems long to have hung in doubt – Winston Churchill
They had now reached that point in the road where three choices offer themselves to the wayfarer – PG Wodehouse